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Traditional and Dev op pressor of Italy’s Prime Minister has been already postponed tries and he finally took place today the delay was due to the fact that Italy’s Prime Minister do Mone has been recently struggling with several health problems now today was the occasion for the prime minister to
Respond uh to a number of questions uh uh in fact the Press lasted for almost three hours touching on the most pressing issues from the state of Italy’s economy to the next European elections Georgia Malone explained that she has not yet decided whether or not she will run in those elections and she
Said uh that she’s ruling out the possibility of forming any Coalition with uh left-wing parties she then went on addressing the migrant crisis which is a very sensitive topic here in Italy given the fact that the country has been on the front line in the fight against illegal immigration for quite some time
She said that she’s not yet satisfied with results that her government has achieved so far the more needs to be done and she said that the solution to the problem lies uh in uh the possibility of investing more resources in the externalization of of border control especially when it comes to uh
Building new uh uh Partnerships with uh Africa in fact she said that Africa uh will be the main topic that will be discussed uh um in the next uh G7 Summit that will take place under the Italian presidency uh she also touched on uh the new constitutional reform that her
Government recently proposed uh and that is being debated in Parliament she said that the reform is not going to change the role of the head of state but would rather make future Italian governments last longer George orandi for Euro News in Rome
11 comentários
Muito bem senhora bonita Meloni 😍🤤
Lixo para arquivar…
Meloni está corecta em propor mais investimentos para evitarmos mais migrações…!!!
Eita linda Itália, esse sim é um legítimo país europeu, diferente de alguns que pensam que são!😂😂😂😂😂
onde anda a Frau Genocide?
Trabalhei numa cidade no interior de São Paulo e mais de 70% da população era descendente de Italiano. Eles prosperaram no Brasil e tem até redes de supermercados. Quando a FAB FORÇA AÉREA BRASILEIRA vai para o oriente médio ou China eles tem carta branca para pousar na Itália e abastecer os aviões.
toda vez que o meu ucoool arder EU VOU DARRRR
Essa ministra da Itália 🇮🇹 ela só está dando um tempo para ela encher mais dinheiro na sua conta do banco ela não vai fazer nada contra os imigrantes 😅 os imigrantes estão cansados de ser escravizado e não ganhar nada 👎 agora eles estão voltando para casa 😅😂 se nem o papa Francisco não falar nada contra os imigrantes e porque tem coisas sujas por debaixo da mesa 😅😂
O ocidente explora a África o que gera as migrações. A Líbia, Síria e o Iraque funcionavam como zona tampão porque absorviam muita mão de obra, mas foram destruídos pela OTAN, liderada pelos EUA e Reino Unido. Até brasileiros iam trabalhar em construtoras no Iraque.
Eu acho q são os africanos q estão "investindo" nela 😂😂😂😂😂