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Get information from the okay these five years that have just passed have not been easy than next 5 years will not be any easier but democracy requires that you choose and if you choose you have a responsibility where do you want Europe to go Europe needs to face that will be facing big
Challenges populism extremism intolerance but Europe has shown itself to be unprecedentedly United over the past years let’s continue on that track and only citizens can choose that to go forward are you worried about the rise of the far right across Europe I’m worried that if we don’t as
Part of the pro-european constructive I would call it majority in the center appeal to our voters then our voters will feel like they have no choice that they have to retreat to the fringes to those people who want to destroy rather than to build so rather than talk about
A fear I would talk about the challenge that we all have a responsibility that we all have in order to convince citizens to vote for us who are at the center pro-european who want Europe to continue to grow to be integrated further the elections come after the so- called cutgate probably the biggest
Scandal in the history of the EU institutions do you think this can undermine the people’s trust in the EU I want the next mandate the new members of the European Parliament to be reassured that the structures are strong and that our rules are observed we have done a
Lot of work in the past year and I would like us to be judged on that rather than the actions of some allegations with regards to a small number of individuals thank you much thanks a loty
5 comentários
Isso se chama favorecimento, nós chamamos isso de corrupção política. Se é assim que as coisas são na Europa, então os países africanos não podem ser criticados.
a Rússia Sem Força.
Mas todos!!! Porcaria já há.uita neste mundo.
Ela acha mesmo que o centro vai parar a Extrema direita? 😂😂😂 só o socialismo pode parar eles. Foi assim na Rússia,lembra?!
Isso, não queremos esses extremistas da porra na União. 👍