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Minut so Rebel news can you tell the world what is happening here all these lovely people are coming here to decide our future for us what can go wrong but some some some people say that this is the meeting of criminals do you agree with that uh there are many
Criminals here so you could argue that it is a meeting of criminals yes and about you what your your mission for this year because last year was amazing you you you you cocked Albert burla was a viral video what what you your object objective for this year find more
Criminals expose them expose them make them ask them the questions that nobody asks that everybody the general public asks in private but they don’t get the chance to ask them to their face so we did just we just did John kery and there’s a bunch of them whoever what is the person
That you most want to to to catch here good question I don’t know there’s there’s a bunch of interesting people I think Bill Clinton’s around I wouldn’t mind B again we can do an update why not we talk about the last year since we last time saw each other
But there’s there’s a lot of people I don’t know you know you you stand here and you see them just walk past and then you decide yes or no you stand here you’ll if you stand here long enough you’ll find you’ll find them yes they’re very confident to walk out there until
They meet us let’s do it let’s do It I’m Ezra levance from Canada I’m with rebels.com oh amazing your opinion about all this ciros because it’s first time here and for me this look like a circos well it’s interesting because there’s so many VIPs walking around without a large Entourage without a security detail so
Citizen journalists like you and me can approach them on the street and there’s probably more VIPs per square inch here in Davos than anywhere else uh I mean just today I’ve personally been able to talk to John K the former Secretary of State and the president of a large
Corporation called State Street so um I mean and and 10 more so it really is an opportunity to ask questions of people who normally would would not be I have to go I’m sorry I have to go go go go how did you get here how did you get what was your
Carbon footprint be today how are you working on the For Mr how you doing how do you feel you went in Co we’re rushing to a meeting maybe later on we’d love to walk with you to the meeting what’s the meeting about is it about disease x a meeting with UAE with the UAE okay Dr do you believe that lockdown
Should always be rejected as a public health measure can we talk later what time I’m happy to arrange a meeting with you sir do you believe lockdown should be rejected as a public health measure what what what what is diseas X Mr Tedros what is disease X and when is China
Going to release it do you apologize for what you did during covid and should people have to go through disease x with you now that you say it’s 10 times worse are you going to apologize for getting everything wrong from Mas mandates to vaccine mandates okay sorry Dr tedras this is
Your chance to apologize to the world for your role during Co would you like to take it do you think the vaccine mandates wrong you got everything from mask mandates to vaccines wrong do you want to apologize lock or do we have to suffer in Australia we we had the
Longest lockdowns in our city and that was based on your advice you don’t want to apologize to Australians or anyone what about the current excess deaths do you want to talk about those do you take any responsibility for people who died because of the policies you pushed they say regaining trust is the
Theme this year are you part of the reason why they’ve lost trust in the wef and everybody’s finally knows who you are and what you stand for thank you Dr tedras for showing us how transparent you and the world economic Forum really is that’s what we’re here to do is hold those unelected
Oligarchs and those that have controlled everything in our society from from even our freedom of movement for 3 years to hold them accountable not here like the mainstream press that are invited guests that will never ask he’s never been asked those you could see on his face he’s never been asked such tough
Questions before economic Mundial
37 comentários
Excelentes perguntas!!!
Que massa!! Huhu!!💛💚💛💚💛💚
Voçes são os verdadeiros jornalistas, que trilham os verdadeiros caminhos da verdade e para verdade.
Parabéns a esses jornalista por mostrarem a face dos demônios. Parabéns Sérgio Tavares , você é referência no jornalismo sério.
Parabéns pela coragem de voces onde por aqui não vejo jornalistas corajosos pois estão sobre a comando das mídias vendidas
Sou brasileira e estou curtindo muito esses vídeos direto de Davos. Te conheci agora e te parabenizo pela sua ""audácia"" ao entrevistar o ban ban ban da OMS. Ficou caladinho, acho que nunca imaginou que alguém tivesse a coragem de interpelá-lo como você fez. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Rebel News! Vou seguir também!
O que mais gostei nesse canal, é que dão os nomes das coisas como elas são, sem o politicamente correto ditando e mascarando a verdade.🎉
O anda o Javé q ñ vem ceifar esta laia assassina?
Está ali um gajo em t-shirt 4:47? Fonix…
Perguntas inteligentes para as pessoas certas. Parabéns. Perguntas que o consorcio de Mídia passadora de pano não faz. Pelo contrario esconde a VERDADE e assim desenformando o POVO Brasileiro. É por estas e outra que já muito tempo não assisto, e não vejo, nada que venha deste consorcio de Mídia LIXOOOO PICARETA FORMADORA DE OPINIÕES.
Perfeito o que vocês estão fazendo os canal4as de DAVOS não conseguem responder uma pergunta se quer .Canal4as 1000x ….
Sérgio Tavares o Alex Jones portugues 💪
Verdadeiros demônios
Demais as perguntas ao Thedros 👏👏👏 pessoa q não conseguia nem ver nem ouvir durante a pandemia
Sou do Brasil e vi vc em varios cansis e tbm no Didi me inscrevi
PORQUE BAO SE FAZ UM FORO MUNDIAL DOS JORNALISTAS INDEPENDENTES, para se organizar e mostrar para a população mundial a manipulação das nossas vidas
Por favor, Sérgio, você que não esta no alcance de nossa suprema corte do Brasil, faça todos questionamentos possíveis aos políticos corruptos brasileiros… Que são quase todos😢
Sergio continue com seu trabalho maravilhoso e independente! No Brasil tem poucos jornalistas com a sua qualidade. Deus te abençoe meu amigo, saúde e prosperidade pra você 🇧🇷🇵🇹
Show! Jornalistas de verdade fazendo as perguntas que os jornalistas-zumbis mundiais nunca fazem. Sapopemba – periferia da Zona Leste de São Paulo/SP – Brasil.
Todos são criminosos mesmo. Todos
Obrigada Sergio por mostrares que os portugueses nao andam a comer gelados com as testas.
Maravilhoso, não conhecia a Rebels news!!! Que coragem!!! Obrigada pelo trabalho de vocês!!!
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 excelente!!!
O Avi tem bolas que não cabem em Davos! Jornslistas e artistas deveriam ser o barometro que mede a liberdade dum povo. Bem haja!❤
Grandes reportagens
Este homem devia a fazer companhia aqueles que estão a fazer "turismo" numa ilha de América Central. Obrigado, Sérgio.
que maravilhoso desejos mui sorte PORK CORAGEN não vos falta obrigado Sérgio o mundo precisa de vocês mui obrigado ES UM GRNIO OS JORNALIXOS SO SE PREOCUPAM E COM O CHEGA O DA UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA AKELE CONFUSÃO E TRETAS M