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Village of Davos is gradually waking up to the second official day of the 54th edition of the world economic forums annual Gathering the big Focus yesterday was on the future of War torn Ukraine with President zelinski receiving a standing ovation for his words to the audience he also had FaceTime with some
CEOs from some of the most powerful and wealthiest Banks from across the world and representatives from the tech World in that meeting was also the president of the European commission Ursula vline saying that she’d visited Kev a number of times and she welcomed the efforts to tackle transparency and fix corruption
In the country in an interview with euron news yesterday she also said that on the 1st of February at a summit in Brussels she hoped that the 50 billion Euro package for Ukraine would be approved and if not that 26 EU countries without the Hungarian government would go ahead and approve that Financial
Lifeline for for Ukraine coming up today Wednesday on Center Stage will be Antonio gutterz the Secretary General of the United Nations European leaders like Pedro Sanchez of Spain and Emanuel mcon of France will also be leading those talks May McMahan Euro News Davos
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🇵🇱🇩🇪 Polonia dice aceptar con gusto la bota alemana en su suelo, pero no todo es lo que parece
Varsovia afirma querer seguir el ejemplo de Lituania y dar luz verde a la entrada de militares alemanes para fortalecer el flanco Oriental de la OTAN.
La verdad es que el gesto, que parece demostrar confianza y amistad con Berlín, no es más que un intento por debilitar a Alemania obligándola a gastar grandes cantidades de dinero en logística, personal y armas cuando ni siquiera puede mantener de forma adecuada a la unidad que planea establecerse en Lituania.
¿Cómo planea Varsovia llevar a cabo su plan? En nuestro canal Líneas Rojas en YouTube explicamos con detalle todo lo referente al tema.
Bom dia amigo Querida RUSSIAN 🇷🇺 Z ❤️ V 🎉