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We believe that it’s the climate on the one hand and immigration topics that uh uh have the the strongest chances of driving the debate partly because the people who see those issues as relevant they they are also consistent in their other uh uh opinions so for example
Those who are from the who have chosen immigration as the most impactful issue for for their perception of the future they also tend to vote for far right or anti-european parties those who have chosen climate as the most important crisis they are out of the all the
Groups out of all the tribes that we have identified the most Pro European there is a a very strong um uh feedback loop about uh between the two so the more uh afd or lean uh talk about the danger of immigration the more it mobilizes the most pro-an part of the
Electorate that want to stop such a discourse so in a way we have two big topics that reinforce each other whereas there are all the other parties who we could consider as the mainstream uh who struggle to to identify themselves uh with with a single crisis or with a single topic