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Hello and welcome to State of the Union I’m Stefan grober in Brussels those of you who haven’t paid attention to the Europe wide Farmers protests and live in Brussels were in for a big surprise this week on Thursday the normally quiet City woke up to traffic jams the sound of
Tractor horns and if you were unlucky the smell of burning tires the European quarter normally a place populated by politicians official lobbyists and journalists were suddenly a cauldron as one Observer put it thousands of farmers wrote their tractors into town to denounce what they believe is a deeply unfair and
Incoherent agricultural policy official Brussels said I hear you proposals to limit Farm imports from Ukraine and losen environmental regulations on fellow lands were some of the measures the EU commission announced considering the protests the commission believes that by taking uh this stabilizing action we can help alleviate the
Pressure that we know our farmers are feeling in order to ensure that they can stay economically viable during these times of high uncertainty whether those measures will be enough to Plate the Farmers Only the next weeks and months will tell the timing of the protests in Brussels was no coincidence the same day
EU leaders came together for a special Summit that approved the 50 billion Euro a package to Ukraine the deal was possible after leaders had pressured the last hold out Hungary into submission until the morning of the summit day prime minister Victor Orban had been singlehandedly blocking the release of
Fresh money for Ukraine what changed his mind is not entirely clear some Summit participants avoided any public show of triumphalism int Orban has a track record of alienating his Partners in the EU and in NATO as he’s still holding up Sweden of joining the alliance what is orban’s overall
Strategy are hungary’s interests so different from the rest of the EU joining me now is Frank fur executive director of the Hungarian Think Tank MCC in Brussels welcome to the program nice to talk to you hi so Victor Orban finally relented and supported the Ukraine deal at the summit the Hungarian
Foreign minister was in Ukraine this week apparently Orban is planning a visit as well does do that suggest Budapest is softening its stance on Ukraine well I think that uh uh the prime minister of Hungary is a fairly pragmatic politician and as long as there’s a possibility of revisiting this
Issue later on he’s happy uh to go along with the decision it’s not necessarily what he wanted but end of the day given the balance of forces and the calculations that he made he was prepared to go along with it how do people in Hungary feel about Western military aid for Ukraine most
Hungarians are broadly sympathetic to Ukraine’s aspiration for Independence most hungarians are also uh nervous about uh Russia’s uh sort of presence as they are about Ukraine they’re both very large countries so Hungary the the general feeling is the sooner the war ends the better and the more comfortable Hungarian Society will
Be to say Victor Orban had run-ins with Brussels would be an understatement now he’s more isolated than ever before I wonder what his strategy is here does he actually relish it well you know uh the way that I look at it is that uh or Victor Orba may be isolated at meetings
Of the European Council but in terms of the overall position uh that he has with in Europe uh I have the impression that uh a lot of people look to him because he speaks uh and says things that other people are perhaps a little bit intimidated to express uh a lot of
People for example other uh politicians and prime ministers are also wary of the way that the war is being conducted and and the EU support for it but Orban is one of the few people that is prepared to stand and say these things and finally Hungary will take over the
EU presidency in July what can we expect I think the Hungarian presidency will surprise a lot of people because they expect it to be uh provocative they expect the the Hungarian president to somehow try all kinds of Tricks they forget the fact that Orban has been
Around for a very long time he knows the ropes uh he’s very experienced he’s very pragmatic is a deal maker he’s always making deals and therefore he’s able to combine his principles with political realities and I think you can expect an effective leadership uh from Hungary all right Frank Fury executive director of
The MCC in Brussels thanks for coming on the show today pleasure and nice talking to you when it comes to political isolation in Europe Hungary can be relieved that there is still Britain now now that brexit has thrown the country into Oblivion the United Kingdom can concentrate more on its cultural
Heritage like the annual fire Festival up heli a in laric the capital of the Shetland Islands why is this important because For the First Time in its 143 year old history women were allowed to participate in the procession celebrating the shetland’s Norse Heritage and they did this by by setting
Ablaze a replica of a Viking longship the campaign to allow women to participate by the way dated back to the 1980s what lasts a long time finally becomes good maybe because the head of the festival has a 16-year-old daughter that’s it for this Edition I’m Stefan groer thank you for watching have
An excellent week
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