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Em várias localidades da Rússia os residentes não quiseram deixar passar em branco a morte de Alexi navalni e prestar-lhe tributo depositando velas e Flores ao lado de retratos do opositor Russo pequenos memoriais surgiram em várias cidades por toda a Federação russa ainda que aqueles que se atreveram a homenagear naval arrisquem prisão
Poderão ser detidos Por estarem a participar em protestos antiguerra as autoridades prisionais da Federação russa anunciaram esta sexta-feira a morte de naval que alegadamente perdeu depois de uma caminhada na colia penal do ártico Russo para onde fora transferido no final do ano passado fora da Rússia as manifestações
De luto pela morte do opositor de Putin for maisis nait da Estónia juntarse frente à Embaixada de Moscovo e não esconder as lágrimas nem a raiva pelo que consideraram mais um homicídio do regime nausta apoiantes de naval no exlio reuniram-se no momento solen em memória do ativista junto da missão diplomática russa em
4 comentários
Those are not Russians. Russians are sorry another person died – but no more then this.
Navalny is nowhere popular in Russia – he is detested by majority. And small amount of people – too young to understand the corrupt nature of Navalny – are always there at the service of US and British embassies to portray their "grief". Why didn't they protray their grief just 2 days ago when peaceful Russian city of Belgorod has lost its 7 peaceful citizens because of ukrainean (or british?) bomboing? Where have all those people with flowers been?
Navalny was a human being. And it's a pity he died. Just like anyone else. Just like thousands of Russian and Ukarianean people being murdered during this war in Ukraine started by british-jewing nazis back in 2014. Navalny has never showed his empathy towards civilian losses in this war. He has never questioned the right of illigal Ukrainean government to kill ukrainean people in Odessa and Donbass. Does he deserve to be mourned more than them? Definitely not more. He is one and they are thousands – thousands of those innocent people that are being killed by british-jewish nazis in Russia and Ukraine DAILY. Thousands of innocent people Navalny has never acknowledged injustice of deaths of. Does he deserve other attitude himself? Not really. He and his death will be precied by Russian population indifferently – exactly the way he terated the majority of his countrymates and the numerous civilian casualties in Donbass, Ukraine and Russia.
Cada mais vez mais o Putin mostra a cultura russa ao mundo .