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World so people rightly ask how is this going to be made available to others yeah what rules are you going to use Microsoft to govern it and so what we’ve said what we’re launching here at Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress is a set of AI access principles
Fundamentally it says we are not just building this for ourselves we are making it accessible for companies around the world to use so that they can invest in their own AI inventions I think it’s extremely important because we’re investing enormous amounts of money frankly more than any government
Government on the planet to build out the AI data centers so that in every country people can use this technology they can create their AI software their applications they can use them for companies for consumer services and the like if you’re open sourcing your um AI models obviously people could could use
Them for bad for negative purposes and so I guess the big question is how do we protect against negative use of AI without inhibiting innovation I think our purpose is in this era of time hopefully to create technology that is going to help the world solve the problems we need to
Solve say whether we’re talking about climate change or the protection of democracy and we’re also helping the world navigate through a fundamental technological Evolution or maybe even Revolution especially when we think about the role of artificial intelligence the second thing we have to do and what we are doing is using AI to
Detect the harmful uses of AI and to work hard to thwart it or disrupt it and I think that is equally important using AI as a defensive Shield even if someone else wants to use it as a sword mob World Congress