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Countries move forward when they cooperate when they come together when they work together it’s important to have a little bit more patience in order to have our economic thriving so in this episode we’ve come to the Balkan country to find out how close it is to joining the EU what economic
Criteria will it need to meet is it really ready and perhaps most important of all if Albania were allowed in who would actually benefit welcome to real economy Al for now we cannot enter very easily to e Market some of the biggest challenges are the custom issues and the standard
Documentations from EU when a client wants to buy from us they have to pay also extra custom charges and sometimes this is the reason why they don’t choose us en politic connectivity is the most important aspect you can imagine the impact connecting these biggest polls Port Airport and Tiana City Center where we
Have the public transport terminal which will gather all the infrastructures in one hub in a moment I’ll speak to Albania’s prime minister Eddie rammer about his country’s bid to join the EU but before all that let’s take a look at some of the criteria it needs to meet in our crash course for
Prime minister thank you for speaking to Euro News why is it in Albania’s interest to join the EU and why is it in the eu’s interest for Albania to join the block unfortunately it was needed Vladimir Putin for the EU to understand that the Western Balkans are as important for the
EU as the EU is for the Western Balkans and it’s a very very simple logic it’s about integrating it’s about unifying the war in Ukraine has given a new impetus to enlargement in EU capitals and Brussels yes sadly so do you have a sense that this time is different listen it’s not
Just about you know uh Western Balkans in or Western balans out this is just a very very small uh matter in the very big puzzle of matters it’s about the relevance of the European Union in the global stage is about the economy of the European Union is about
Uh the competitiveness of the European Union it’s about the capacity of the European Union to decide for Europe EU voters are split over further enlargement how do you convince Skeptics that Albania should be part of the EU I strongly believe that uh in all the skepticism about EU and enlargement
There is a lot of on one hand ignorance or the facts and on the other hand uh fear fueled by politics for very political reasons fear of what exactly the fear is the easiest tool to get more votes by speaking not to the brain of people but by communicating directly
With their guts through bypassing their brain 2030 what would you like to see I know what I want to see and uh it’s public we have the 2030 vision and uh we are working for it and uh we will be there when Albania will be a champion in
The region of Tourism when Albania will be a net exporter of energy totally clean and green by the way and an Albania that is uh very much moding in terms of innovation and new technology you say Albania will be ready do you think the EU will be ready what I know
Is where Albania will be in 2030 to know where the you will be in 2030 it’s a hell of joint work and it’s a hell of strategic decisions to be taken prime minister Eddie R thank you for your time thank you
1 comentário
Agora com o cachorrinho dos EUA Marcelo Rabelo de Souza na presidência de Lixogal, Lixogal pode esquecer sua entrada no G20! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂