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Ukrainian forces have pushed back Russian troops from the village of orka West ofka but the situation on the Eastern Front remains difficult Ukrainian Army Chief Alexander sski said on Thursday orka is less than 2 kilm Northwest from lkin which was recently occupied by Russian forces this territory west of adiva remains the
Focal effort of Russia’s offensive in eastern Ukraine says the UK defense Ministry in its latest update adding that since the seizure of a divka Russian forces have advanced approximately 6 kilomet from the center of the town the Tactical gain serve primarily to consolidate Russian positions around AA Russia is also
Likely seeking to build momentum of the aess to take advantage of the fact that there are fewer fixed well defended positions and urban areas from which Ukrainian forces can defend Ukraine Ukrainian officials continue to report that Ukrainian forces have stabilized a defensive line immediately west of aiva specifically along the tonen Ora bichi
Line where terrain and several reservoirs are favorable for defensive operations Ukrainian military observers characterized Ukrainian fortifications west of ABA as quote disappointing and problematic Ukrainian Army Chief Alexander Siri said he took measures to correct quote certain miscalculations commanders had made that directly affected the stability of the defense in certain areas
5 comentários
Tenta não já consolidou faz tempo so a Euronews não acetou ainda 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
A Rússia tentando não,consolidou posição já nessas áreas.
Após 2 anos e perdas catastróficas de homens e equipamentos blindados, que a Rússia não consegue repor, finalmente o patético “2° exército do mundo" capturou a maior parte da 52a maior cidade da Ucrânia. As ridículas russetes estão estéticas porque o estado terrorista russo entrou em uma cidade totalmente destruída , que figuras ridículas a destes marginais que defendem o assassino Putin que manda assassinar a oposição, NAVALNY. Foi assassinado a mando deste verme
Isso vai acabar muito mal!!!
Zelensky!!! Um comediante que está escrevendo uma tragédia!!!
Francisco Ferdinando não valia 20 milhões de vidas!!! A Polônia não valeu 50 milhões de vidas!!! A Ucrânia não valerá 2 bilhões de vidas!!!
Brasil é um chiqueiro