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Welcome to the State of the Union from Brussels the French President is known for his efforts to promote a more autonomous and relevant European Union in the world this efforts are sometimes taken in Southern and unusual ways as was the case at a sort of informal leader Summit in Paris this week Emanuel
Macron wanted to discuss the European response to Russian aggression in Ukraine as the conflict enter its third year but his comments about possibly sending European soldiers to help Ukrainian Armed Forces raised some eyebrows the kremlin’s reaction was immediate warning that such a scenario would lead to a conflict with Russia so
Many voices were quick to rule it out from the leaders of several member States including Germany to the Secretary General of NATO the French president’s proactivity may be more appreciated by the Widow of Alexa Naval the Russian opponent who died in prison Julia naal spoke at the European
Parliament in Strasburg this week and called for Innovative methods to stop the Russian president you cannot hurt Putin with another resolution or another set of sanctions that is no different from the previous ones you cannot defeat him by thinking he is a man of principle who has morals
And rules the scenes of a near Battle have once again taken place in Brussels with Farmers as the protagonists in the space of a few weeks around a thousand tractors have returned to the so-called European quarter the protesters used Heavy Artillery such as manure burn tires and other ammunition to draw the
Attention of the EU ministers responsible for agriculture that were in town the farmers complained about low prices for their produce too much bureaucracy and inefficient use of European subsidies despite several concessions from the European commission they are not convinced and promised to keep the fight to discuss about possible
Solutions to their demands I spoke earlier this week with Jan Pik Senor fellow at the think tank farm Europe who has previous experience in managing the UK common agricultural policies Jean Paso thank you very much uh for accepting our invitation European farmers are calling uh for measures to
Help them obtain a fair remuneration for their work in the food chain uh what measures would be feasible in the short and medium term well I think they are right because their income has gone down it’s absolutely incredible but if you look at what happened in the last 20 years
Incomes per actor have gone down by two digigit figures in most uh member states so I think what is important is to do two things first is to increase demand for uh their products in Europe and they have to uh have more demand mainly from the bioeconomy sector and the second
Thing is that there are a number of practices in the marketing chain that abuse the fact that farmers are individuals there are millions of farmers but there are per country three four maximum five big Supermarket chains that have an extraordinary Market power common agriculture policy funds take up
A lot of from the European Union budget uh do you think that those subsidies have been mainly benefiting uh the big Agro business or there could be some reform to adjust those funds the problem is that the real value of the subsidies of the common agriculture policy has gone
Down by 30% because of inflation it hasn’t been adjusted for inflation so in real terms fings are having less subsidies the moment Europe is asking them to do more in terms of protection of the environment more in terms of standards and so on and so forth the problem in
Europe is that you have huge numbers of small and very small farms which unfortunately are not profitable and will never be profitable well industrialize the model of food production has impacts in the environment in the climate in human health um the European Union created this strategy from Farm to Fork but it
Has it’s always very contested why is that one was the S proposal the pesticides that was now uh withdrawn uh by the commission 50% reduction of pesticide use irrespective of the fact that there were or not alternatives other proposals on the farm to Fork that you would reduce the use of chemical
Fertilizers by 20% the top universities the US Department of Agriculture have go have come to the conclusion that it would reduce production in Europe by 15 to 20% the solution should be in my view to produce more in Europe but in a more sustainable way and the answer is better
Technology you can reduce the use of pesticides fertilizers Etc per unit of production Shan pasek thank you very much for your contribution most welcome let’s talk again about Ukraine but looking into one of the millions of citizens who are trying to maintain some sense of normality Ukrainian designer
Lilia liova who lives in Kei went to Paris to present her collection for aut winter 2024 2025 entitled andwater during the Fashion Week the designer comes from four generations of tailor and oversized tailoring is one of her signatures she still has a team of 35 people working with her in Ukraine and
Said she has no plans to stop it is very difficult but we keep creating because creation is love she said and with this we close our Edition thank you for watching
1 comentário
Os traidores são os que estão destruindo a Rússia. O Kremlin está dizimando o exército russo, reduzindo-o aos T54 e à velha artilharia de 1950. Enviando centenas de milhares de pessoas para morrerem numa guerra que nunca poderia ter sido vencida. Arruinando a economia. Humilhando a Rússia na opinião global. Unindo e expandindo a OTAN. Chutando o Ocidente para o rearmamento. Estabelecendo décadas de sanções, julgamentos de crimes de guerra e isolamento da Rússia do mundo.
Não há futuro para a Rússia agora, a não ser conflitos internos, turbulências internas e desprezo internacional. Você pode ver essa percepção gradualmente se infiltrando na mídia russa.