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Frontex of course is first of all the European border and Coach guard agency meaning that we are there to support the member states in protecting European borders external borders and whilst doing that of course we have a close eye on what’s Happening and specifically on the maritime routes specifically Central
Mediterranean and then if we see anything and the last year we had 2,000 sightings of which 400 we relayed in medical so we are very um focused on what we see and to inform the agency’s uh task with search and rescue Only if we know what happened really know what happened in terms of procedure and Court proceedings we can react that doesn’t mean that we stop communicating we are in a constant dialogue with member states that have so serious inent reports to make them aware of them but
Also to pressure them to make them sure that they respond as soon as possible but we are depending on them
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Não tenhamos medo das palavras… Estas agências nem sequer haviam de existir. Andar a resgatar pessoas no mar não é servir os interesses da União Europeia. Isso chama-se promover o assalto e o tráfico de seres humanos.
Quem quiser entrar na União, que use os meios legais, além dos transportes como passagens de barco e avião, vontade de trabalhar, passaporte na mão e muito amor no coração. O resto fique longe de nós.
Só a Instituição Europeia é que ainda não percebeu que os europeus não querem esse tipo de imigrantes.
Precisamos de mais imigrantes em Portugal