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My government is committed to a strong European Union an EU that acts not only reacts we want to build a union that takes care of our common security and works for our economy upholding the rule of law in Europe must remain our core Principle are you proud of your Finance Minister when sheos on social media with a large sissors expressing satisfaction at cutting people income and Social Security do you feel comfortable governing with a minister who declar himself a Nazi and this person is still a minister Mr orpo your alliance with the far right
Is the real threat to our democracy and to the European project yet this is why the future this is why the future of the European Union is at the stake I disagree with iria on a lot of things and with the far left as well but at
Least we have a common base we have a common base and that is that human dignity is indivisible none of us says that some human beings are inferior or implies this and this is where I believe that people like us should never never go into alliance with people who de facto
Consider some human beings as inferior that’s what you did in Finland Madame Garcia Perez and for many others also there is no right-wing uh far right farri right parties in my government Finnish government is pro rule of law it’s Pro democracy it’s Pro equal sender rights it’s Pro Ukraine Pro European Union
11 comentários
Em breve será a vez de Espanha.
Ainda existe homens que defendem seu povo e tem aqui uma senhora que julga que a sua casa está mais arrumada que a da Finlândia, esqueceu – se do 11 Março em Atocha tem a memória pequena e tem segurança máxima à custa dos Europeus coisa que nem todos os europeus têm, Parabéns ao Primeiro Ministro da Finlândia que deu a cara pelo seu povo
Claro a maioria dos Eurodeputados tem agenda de esquerda.
Democracia pra social democracia e so se vc vestir a mesma roupa
Dizendo que é a favor da Ucrânia e UE tá perdoado todas as mazelas 😂😂😂😂😂
Viva a esquerda da zoropa, bebem juntos 👊💤
Falta ai um pedaço do teu Cool. 😂😂😂
A extrema direita são um cancro na Europa.
A Ucrânia foi criada no pós segunda guerra com pedaços do território da Polônia, Rússia e Romênia!!