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Italy has returned to make itself known
and count internationally most
importantly Italy can change Europe
these were the words of Italy’s primee
Minister Georgia melonia as she
addressed Brothers of Italy’s three-day
conference here in bisara the occasion
marked the official launch of the
party’s electoral campaign ahead of the
European elections and most importantly
on this occasion Georgia Malone
announced she’s running in those
elections a decision that will help her
party gain more support and given that
she’s the president of the ECR group uh
well the decision carries a significant
uh weight and speaking about the future
European Parliament she also vowed to
create a rightwing block very similar uh
to what she described as the Italian
model that could replicate what has been
happening here in Italy with the
right-wing ruling Coalition however more
clarity on which political forces will
be part of that Coalition will be only
provided after the elections George
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