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container shipping is just 10% of the
world world shipping bulk is is like 60
70% and it’s it’s actually H has the
bigger potential to save
emissions container shipping already
work with slot time they have plans
they’re really bad at keeping the plans
but they have plans and they need to be
better to replan which information
sharing is really good for
replanning but bulk shipping has a
different model they don’t have a slot
time they have a model where it says
first come first Ser they race towards
the port and the one who didn’t finish
first have to wait so it’s a hurry up
and wait business which is not very good
for the environment
what’s unique in yav is they’re doing
this for the bulk shipping because bulk
shipping traditionally works with first
come first serve but breaking this and
changing the whole structure of the bulk
shipping industry yav is first in the
whole world doing this
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✊🏾📈👨🏻📉 Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa de ascendência judaica admite que a substituição populacional dos portugueses por africanos e brasileiros da CPLP e o financiamento destes países através dos impostos dos portugueses faz parte da agenda de reparações históricas, que está em curso há 50 anos.
🇧🇷📈 Marcelo admitiu anteriormente que Portugal está a ser inva******dido por brasileiros, algo que considera que é bom.
🔗 Fonte: CNN