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dear friends congratulations on your 50th Anniversary it is such a cheerful occasion and I really hope that you enjoy this day of celebrations because you deserve it I know there was a lot of hard work behind your electoral success and the recent formation of your government so let me also take this opportunity to congratulate Your Leader Lu Montenegro Portugal is in very good hands the hands your country needs for the challenging times ahead your party’s Journey over the past five decades mirrors the Journey of Portugal itself 50 years ago a Wind of Change blew in the streets of Lisbon it was a powerful yet peaceful gust which brought down Europe’s last dictatorship the carnation reol ution bloomed with hope and changed Portugal forever the Portuguese people finally embraced freedom and democracy and very soon they also embraced their European Destiny throughout these 50 years pep PSD played a crucial role you made sure that Portugal stayed the course of democracy your party played a decisive role in Paving portuga European path you continue this world today now with the European election just around the corner our Union needs you more than ever our values are under attack across Europe including in Portugal populist and radicals are trying to poison our Union your government has an ambitious agenda and after only one month you are delivering for your citizens every day this agenda of reforms of modernization and of moderation will improve the lives of Portuguese citizens and prepare your country for the challenges that lie ahead on the 9th of June we must send a powerful message a message of unity and resolve to protect our democracy and build a strong Europe and I know I can count on the PSD and on the leadership of L monteno so I wish you every success your success will be Europe success and let me wish you once again a very happy 50th anniversary and I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Portugal very soon and let’s make Europe stronger [Music]
1 comentário
É união europeia para mim é um enche barriga 😢