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aeran has a record of organizing large scale international events but cop 29 is definitely going to be the biggest one that we have organized it is the matter of fact that zerban is an oil and gas country and actually we are one of the oldest ones but the country is now making a huge steps towards green economy and in the last couple of years aeran has taken lots of commitments including the drive for the renewable energy and actually hosting cop 29 is also uh one of those commitments the biggest commitment now we have a common challenge common challenge is the rising global temperatures which affects everyone in the world and uh we need to act on that and uh we all together need to uh protect people and protect our home which is the planet we feel the impact of climate change very much uh looking at the Caspian Sea because the sea level is going down and this is something that we uh witness every day so for me it’s a sign of um how the environment around us is fragile it’s a sign and it’s a very Vivid example on uh on the impact of climate change and I believe that this is what cop stands for that Global uh and Regional dialogue and uh cooperation and aeran will be hosting the whole uh climate Community uh in Baku un climate change high level Champion role is very interesting one and it’s a big honor for me uh to be in this capacity because um it helps to strengthen the climate uh action by strengthening the engagement of uh nonstate actors Civil Society NOS business sector uh investors philanthropies so all the stakeholder groups they have their aspirations and expectations and as you know the subject of uh 29 will be climate finance and the focus uh will be on business engagement uh one of the priorities that we will be dealing with because uh we believe that you cannot achieve the goals that uh that are needed without uh private sector so private sector need to step forward so every group has its own needs and every voice matters so and for us it’s very important uh to become a platform that all the voices are equally uh heard and we will uh try to uh have the inclusive cop uh where everyone will be on board we strongly believe in global and Regional dialogues and I’m confident that uh aeran has what it takes for uh making successful cop we are looking forward to welcoming all the delegations and cop community in Baku in November and they will have a warm welcome here and they will feel Hospitality of aeran is
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Os azeris parecem com os tugas