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is the EU setting up a European Army it’s a common claim that’s thrown around both by critics of the EU and pro-european voices who want an ever closer Union and as the European elections draw near the topic is doing the rounds even more than usual the cube unpacks the myth the idea that the EU has or is creating a paneuropean army that will conscript citizens of member states is often used to attack the leadership and general direction it’s typically pedal by right-wing parties and Euros Skeptics on social media to accuse the EU of stripping away member states sovereignty one of the best examples of this was during the brexit debate when leave supporters whipped up fears of British citizens being drafted into an EU Army but long story short no there’s no such thing as an EU Army as far as I know uh and I consider myself relatively informed there are no uh secret plans locked up in in offices somewhere in Brussels with this uh with this type of plan so I think uh you you kind of hit the nail on the head with the word myth um in in this context and in this debate the EU does of course have a common security and defense policy together with a Defense Agency but it’s far from it being an actual Army if you have individual nation states or member states in the case of the EU agreeing uh by treaty to cooperate closely on defense uh and what what that really means in practice and we have lots of cases of that by the way uh is that you can deploy Force abroad you have a head of a mission but that mission is normally made up of individual member states uh all collaborating with each other there are of course other European military Partnerships and alliances too most notably NATO the majority of NATO’s member states are also EU members so rather than integrating their forces under EU mechanisms further alignment through NATO might be the best way forward for European Defense we should shift our attention to what member states obviously find most important and that is NATO so I would say try to align the contributions of the European allies within NATO so that all European NATO allies together have a complete set of forces and what they are lacking well there you can use the EU instruments to help the European NATO allies build that use the European Defense fund to invest so that uh Europeans can build the air defense uh platforms that we don’t have you can read more on the myth of the EU Army and the European elections on euronews.com
2 comentários
Só os idiotas não acreditam que esta seja a formação dos novos Balcãs e que acabará como os Balcãs.
Bom dia 🤗