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does the EP Envision relying on Georgia Maloney uh for support uh the EP will seek to form majority in the European Parliament uh with uh friends that and allies that we have worked before with the socialists and the Liberals hopefully also maybe with the greens um and the numbers are there for such a majority and that’s good Georgia mone’s MEPS May to vote for us and I think that would be great uh but I don’t see any um institutional or uh uh more formalized uh thing like beyond that there’s also been some reports around from a personal perspective Peter mayor I mean that that there was domestic violence with his ex-wife is that something that would obstruct his membership we are a serious political party that does its due diligence and uh respects the processes so the processes will be followed but if it found so that’s potential that he may or may not be well I don’t know that uh but uh that’s why you know no one group or no one person makes these decisions these decisions follow process one of the things that you mentioned about your Congress was that um when they were discussing the green deal as part of the manifesto it didn’t get any support I mean is the green deal dead and gone as it was when leand line CH no no actually I think it’s up to us to make sure that the green deal goes on and um you know I’d bet that we’re we’re going to be working with the greens uh in order to make sure that their fundamental principles their fundamental values and what they really want from the next uh institutional cycle is is preserved and that the green deal moves forward I mean what we said about the green deal is something very simple I mean does it work because if you look at the Socialists today what are they saying they want a green deal that is connected with jobs you know they’re using different words from what we’re using what we’re saying is that the green deal must be connected with our competitiveness policies