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which time we look up our own instead of letting other people come to live on us and so you’ll be voting for reform yes I definitely will I think that reform will take a lot of votes off the Tories which will probably result in a labor Victory um and how will you be voting uh conservative terms of Nigel farage does he appeal to you at all Mr farage I think he’s a bit of a I don’t know he a clown a clown I think he’s just oh yes there’s a bit of bado with him I beat my chest and you know and stuff like that skes is a typical Eastern Coastal Community and it mirrors a trend across England’s Coastline once 77% Tory at the last election it’s now leaning labor right-wingers here are handing the seat to labor by splitting the vote between the conservatives and Nigel farage’s Reform Party the most recent poll shows labor at 45% the Tores at 22% and reform at 133% so is this likely to push the conservative party f the right beyond the general election when economies don’t do very well it becomes really tempting to make lump some blame or or to find a scapegoat I think Nigel farage can present a really simplistic picture of what the future of Britain could look like fundamental to reforms ideology people coming into the UK and blaming them for All the Troubles that we see in the country at the moment red doctor orders number n for our country
2 comentários
Como vocês sempre rotulam de "Radicais de Direita" , "Extrema Direita" , nunca "Radicais de Esquerda" ou "Extrema Esquerda". Isso ajuda o crescimento dos movimentos de reação ao fracasso das políticas de esquerda.
Como é que um dos arquitectos do Brexit que fez campanha com mentiras chega a esse ponto?!