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president good to have you here last session of this Parliament let’s talk about the numbers because we heard this beautiful vision of yours but we didn’t have much about the numbers you mentioned youth unemployment let’s talk about the factor about the numbers Spain 28.4 Sweden 21 Italy 20.4 Greece 17.4 France 16.9 I just I’m not going to continue I just want to let you know there is no such numbers in Poland we left Poland in a great shape but Mr Weber was obviously happy to to say that he’s going to continue with Donald Tusk what kind of achievements one of the highest unemployment in Poland during the Tusk term this is what you want to continue then Madame President you’re smiling I’m happy you’re happy but let’s talk about the facts export from China over 500 billion EUR export from Europe Union to China 230 billion EUR in the same time Madame President you are forcing European citizens with the green deal when Europe is responsible for 7% of pollution of the globe and you want to save Europe with our pockets this is madness and this madness will be stopped up after this elections we’re going to make Europe great again we’re going to change the numbers and your love will not change the fact that you are going to lose lose this elections you know that and you know that Madame President you know why because there is no freedoms you mention we can read in the conclusions that Europe must be safe for European citizens it’s your fault Madam president that it’s not safe illegal migration and your policy Mr vber German policy V Coman is is is the is the reason why Europe is not safe let’s talk about the report about Germany safety in Germany 6 million crimes rais the highest rise in the history of Germany and you want to continue that this madness about illegal migration will be stopped after this election this madness about the green deal Madame President will be sto about this madness and your smiles and good humor will not change the fact that conservatives will make Europe great again thank you
28 comentários
Great GENTLEMAN 💓💓💓💓
Assim é q se fala, mais houvesse…
Super fã deste euro deputado polaco 👌👌👌
Isto sim é um deputado a favor dos europeus !
I hope, for Europe's sake, that he is correct.
Que malha no socialismocomunismo!
Polónia, que show!
Muito bom. Não sei quem ele é, mas ainda bem que há sensatez no parlamento europeu. Esta senhora é insuportável.
Ufff, como é bom ter essa esperança, este Homem é um Senhor.
Rua .. rua com eles
Devia ser já ontem , que visão é esta destes políticos da esquerda de m***a que estão a destruir a identidade dos povos que vivem há séculos com diferenças divididos por fronteiras que tem por nome paises, nada tem a ver com raças e racismos , mas com identidades culturas e tradições que devem ser respeitadas e preservadas.
Este gajo é muito bom
Que assim seja!!!
Vamos ver… pelo menos já lá temos 2 conservadores de Portugal!
Graças a Deus que assim seja
Assim esperamos.
Antes trade que nunca fffffff.
Abençoado 🙏
Esta Von der Leyes é uma bruxa incompetente.
Este Sr, tem toda a razão,espero q mandem todo o lixo para a lixeira!
Concordo plenamente
Ontem já é tarde.👏👏👏👏💪
Esperemos que sim 💪🇵🇹
A cara da satânica será que não vou conseguir destruir a Europa….
E a "madame président", com cara de gozo, de asna. Que os leve a todos para a sua 🏡.