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[Music] you’ve stated that you believe there could be an infinite number of parallel universes does that mean that there was a universe out there where I am smarter than you yes where you’re funny [Music] and we don’t seem to have been visited by aliens I am discounting reports of UFOs why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos [Music] professor Hawking it’s an honor and a privilege to meet you sir I know I want to thank you for taking time to see me my pleasure I enjoyed reading your paper very much you clearly have a brilliant mind I know your thesis at the Higgs boson is a black hole accelerating backwards through time that’s fascinating thank you it just came to me one morning in the shower that’s nice too bad it’s strong what do you mean wrong you made an arithmetic mistake on page two it was quite a boner no no but it can’t be right i I don’t make arithmetic mistakes are you saying okay no of course not it’s just I was thinking oh gosh golly I made a boo-boo and I gave it to Stephen Hawking great another fainter [Music] oh hi Steven it’s amazing yeah I know well it’s been so frustrating for me because the moment I wrote it read read it I knew it was important and I wanted to tell them but you know [Music] [Music] okay what about this me going on a date with Charlize Theron in in no universe in none of the infinite universes does that happen it’s completely beyond the bounds of scientific possibilities what you’re saying yes quick follow-up question in any of those potential universes and either one rejecting her and that’s why it doesn’t work out [Music]