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Tik Tok promoted misogyny and negative stereotypes in the runup to the European elections that’s according to a new study which found that Tik Tock search suggestions contain toxic language towards women and minorities in Finland it was also biased against certain politicians pushing almost exclusively negative information about them the cube takes a closer look Tik tok’s lack of moderation led to objectifying and sexist language appearing in search suggestions for female politicians these are findings from Finnish methodologies company check first and factchecking Service faari as part of their crossover project for example the suggestions for former prime minister sarine included sarine masturbation video the suggestions for Ava bod MP for right of Center Swedish People’s Party of Finland included Ava and Christian have sex in the SAA search suggestions are partly influenced by the searches made by other users meaning they may inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes and false claims some of these suggestions weren’t random but related to searches made and videos produced about the individuals the report said and many of them were negative or problematic the search suggestions were often accusatory or critical of politicians such as turncoat for Maui pelto conas MP for the farri right Fin’s party and abducting children for Pekka harvist MP for the center-left green League all of this potentially created a bias in how the public perceives them and is particularly dangerous ahead of an election more generally Tik Tok search results contained harmful language against marginalized groups including women Jewish people and the LGBT community according to the report suggestions for women included into the kitchen and shut your mouth other autofill phrases proposed were Romani people steal and refugees out these suggestions make hate speech worse the reports said adding that Tik Tok isn’t doing enough to count to bigotry on its platform there were also controversial suggestions linked to covid-19 vaccine harm and vaccine fear were two examples and while they generally led to videos of experts debunking vaccine related fears content discussing the supposed dangers of vaccines still slip through the net the report said that the presence of these videos suggests Tik tok’s measures against misinformation need further examination and that the platform should moderate its search suggestions a Tik Tok spokesperson told the cube that it dedicates significant result sources to removing harmful searches and violations of its policies and is constantly improving its processes for more from the study and news on social media misuse head over to euronews.com