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welcome to Portugal rehab is it oig or o because you are a man o I need to ask you why rehab tell me about the name you know it was just a name that I used for video gaming and it just sticked around really nothing too special okay just you know you get a name and then you stick with it China has a crush on you I have a crush on China me how how did you become one of China’s most desired um you know I I started touring very early in my career like um maybe 12 years ago and I I tried to not only go to the capital and like or like Beijing Shanghai guanga like I started also with the smaller cities uhuh and you know just keep building and building and did some songs with some Chinese acts I think the people are very respectful and uh Hospitality Wise It’s amazing so much respect to the you know like the Chinese people are very dedicated and has a public is it easy to connect with them yeah very easy uh you know every show it’s always like good it’s it’s like I I was like when can we go back do you know I’ll just say something in Chinese I know ni M hello sh thank you I I love you wonderful and I need to ask you this why most of the DJs are from the Netherlands tell me I think as a young kid when you realize that someone else can do it in your hometown then you start to believe too it’s like a connection you feel towards like ah if he can do it why not me and you know so always believe in that you know like that helps you know because then you feel that it’s possible and when you feel that it’s possible you have a goal in your mind thank you so much thank you [Music]