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the next president of the United States Donald J [Applause] [Music] Trump tomor were work for all my life and I had to start again forget the men who died who gave that right to me and I glad we stand up next to you and defend her still [Music] today we are here tonight on one purpose and that is to elect Donald J Trump as the next president of the United States America we are grateful for you to be our nominee for the 47th president president of the United States of America [Applause]
2 comentários
the americans saying they have to choose between two bad unfavorable candidates,the democrat party they do not want to admit their failure since Biden got in white house although they have fear of the consequences ,and the americans have lost their trust and believe in both candidates then people from CIA and FBI and from both the parties decided to make of Trump a hero and return him back to the white house because they need a hero and they do not have one then they prepared this silly assassination plan
I love youuuuuuuuuu tranp