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the future of Ula V delion will be decided here today in a knife edge vote she wants a second term as European commission president but she needs to secure the support of an absolute majority of MEPS here in the hemicycle in Strasburg does she have the numbers well she’s counting on the backing of the three pro-european groups at the center between them they have 401 seats which should be enough to see vond delion sail through but we know know that there are Rebels within those groups likely to vote her down it means she’s been shopping for votes amongst other groups like The Greens and the European conservatives and reformists which is the hard right grouping of Italian Prime Minister Georgia Mone these two groups are ideologically very far apart meaning V Deion has been treading an impossible tight rope trying to attract votes from both camps but swing MEPS that we’ve been speaking to here in rbur say they will probably vote for vallion even if only to avoid the institutional crisis that would erupt if she fa if she doesn’t make it EU leaders would have just one month to propose an alternative candidate putting the stability of the European block on the line