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climate now in collaboration with cernus hello and welcome to climate now coming to you this month from Belgium we’re here to find out how the country is preparing for a possible future of Double Trouble flooding and drought will a master plan be enough to avoid a repeat of this kind of Devastation we have obligation to ensure that any kind of intervention is good for both DRS and floodings otherwise it will not work that’s our story coming up but first let’s get the very latest data from the kernus climate change service the planet as a whole just experienced its warmest June on record with temperature 0.7 de C above the 1991 to 2020 average tea faced Heatwave conditions Greece recorded its warmest June on record and Cyprus issued a Red Alert warning for heat in Western Europe the month was cooler and many Saw temperatures below average for the time of year June was wetter than average in the regions colored in Blue on this map Heavy Rain Led to flooding and landslides in Switzerland Southern Germany parts of France and Northern Italy meanwhile on the the other side of the planet Antarctic sea ice extent was 12% below average its second lowest level on record for June and so now to our report on how Belgium’s facing up to a double climate challenge when Belgium was hit by floods in July 2021 following record rainfall they were devastating and deadly here in pepan stair a village at the Confluence of Two Rivers the brasser family’s home was engulfed this is the same street today their property and others have been demolished a post flood climate adaptation plan for the VRA Valley including pepan stair recommends reducing Riverside buildings like here replacing Pines in the surrounding Hills with leaf trees which absorb more water and framing agricultural lands with green areas which has a dual benefit if if you have more green areas along the fields it will be good for Drs also because basically you modify the ground and you leave space for storing water along these edges uh and this water will progressively infiltrate the ground further along the valley in Eren nature-based Solutions are being deployed to not only help rainwater seep away but also for cooling this for Riverside Square is becoming a park packed with trees shrubs and flower Meadows but what difference does this kind of green area actually make the damages when flooding is lower and as regard with Dro uh basically it’s retaining water where it is and it contributes to lowering the the temperature within cities both surface and air temperature which is good for inhabitants climate projections Belgium to the year 2100 show temperatures could Rise by up to 32° C with over 50 Heatwave days per year as we look now at the at the scenarios even in the most optimistic scenario we will have to do a lot of adaptation which means to prepare for the climate change that will happen anyway and that for that uh we need to know what’s going to happen where it’s going to happen we need to be more sure what is the local context uh what’s the geographic context back in pepan stair despite the flooding villagers want to remain that’s it for this Edition but do head over to euronews.com climate now to learn more about how our planet is changing bye for now climate now in collaboration with cernus