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all of us go several times a day but what’s the carbon footprint of our daily water use and could we get more from the waste we flush away that’s exactly what this state-of-the-art water plant in Bulgaria has been set up to do generate as much power and products from the stuff it takes [Music] in a few hours after somebody goes to the toilet in Bulgaria’s capital sopia what gets flushed ends up here the kabatova wastewater treatment plant is one of the most energy efficient in Europe stanislav is showing me around we collect the waste water from the sopia citizens we treat it here so that it’s clean in the river and in the process we produce biogas this biog gas is then transformed into electricity and heat the heat is used for our processes and the electricity is used to satisfy the needs of this plant and how much energy are you producing here we are producing 24,000 megawatt hours per year or this is the equivalent to feeding 2,300 homes annually and what’s different about this plant say to any other the difference is the amount of biogas produced usually wastewater treatment plants are producing 50 to 60% of their own needs and here we cover more than 100% of our needs we’re also saving CO2 emissions approximately 70,000 tons per year it takes a lot of energy to move and treat our water on top of that CO2 waste water produces gases like methane in many countries the water industry accounts for around 5% of all the greenhouse gas emissions a figure comparable to the aviation industry so we’ve just come into Sophia as the ipcc are holding a meeting in the city and they’ve given us a green light for an interview can the water industry lead the way then to Net Zero this is one of the industries where it’s not impossible to get down to net zero emissions or in fact zero emissions because we have many opportunities to use water much more efficiently we also have many opportunities to reuse those gases which are now greenhouse gases but instead use this for energy production all together this can become Net Zero especially if the energy use for this is coming from renewable energy sources back at the plant stanislav tells me that plan to go further we’re just commissioning a new plant which will boost the biogas production by 10 to 15% here and we’re installing photovoltaics but it’s not only this plant we are exchanging with our colleague trying to inspire the other plants to reach energy self-sufficiency as this is something that the group is asking us to to push forward that’s it for this episode we’ll be back soon for more water matters but
29 comentários
🇵🇹portugueses na balada 👍🪩👩🏼🪩👩🏻🧑🏻🪩👨🏾
🇧🇷 brasileiros na balada 👍 🪩👴🏿🪩👵🏿🪩🧓🏿🪩👵🏽
Lista dos top 5 piores países do mundo:👉🏻
1= Brasil🇧🇷
2= Brasil 🇧🇷
3= Brasil 🇧🇷
4= Brasil 🇧🇷
5= Brasil 🇧🇷
Brasileiros entrando em Portugal….👇
A minha barraca só fede a xixi😫👉⛺
Eu sou um velho feio das esquinas do Nordeste👴🏿😫
Brasil🇧🇷🐢 ……😂
Família Portuguesa🇵🇹: 👨🏻👩🏻👧🏻👦🏻
Família brasileira🇧🇷:👨🏿👩🏿👧🏿👦🏿
Os portugueses são lindos 😻
Nós brasileiros somos feios 😭
Eu penso que sou👉👴🏽
Como realmente eu sou👉👴🏿
Portugal🇵🇹 😌👉🏫🏨🏦🏟️🏢🏣
Brasil 🇧🇷🤣👉🏚️⛺🏚️⛺🏚️⛺
Eu como brasileiro afirmo e reafirmo os portugueses são melhores do que nós em tudo😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Brasileiros……👉 🛶 🇧🇷
Portugueses…..👉 ✈️ 🇵🇹
Queria ter nascido Português😌 Eles são mais bonito fortes saudáveis😌
Meu país🇧🇷 é muito atrasado😩
Eu tenho ➒➋ anos
Eu sou um velho de 92 anos frente não funciona mais a atrás está perfeito 👌😉
A minha família veio das florestas do Congo… Me lembro como se fosse hoje… Bons tempos
Hoje eu Fabrício estou com diareia 💩
Eu tenho orgulho de ser um velho brasileiro preto🤛🏿👊🏿🤜🏿🇧🇷👴🏿
Meu país Brasil👉🏻🚽🇧🇷 é um chiqueiro a céu aberto
Os portugueses são lindos e inteligentes
Os portugueses são sarados💪🤝 Nós brasileiros temos a pança quebrada😫😭
Eu estou peidando só arroz com feijão🤢😷
Quando eu era novo, Eu cortava pelos dois lados ↔️ agora agora que sou velho, só consigo andar de ré 👴🏿
Ca na aldeia usamos mérda pra fazer batom e creme dental 🇵🇹💩😅😆🤣🤣kkkkkk
A minha família veio das florestas do Congo…Me lembro como se fosse hoje… Bons tempos