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the ocean can be seen at the Sentinel for planetary [Applause] [Music] warming when we measure the ocean by taking all the measurements of temperature from the surface down to deeper layers we can uh calculate uh the so-called ocean heat content and we see globally that the ocean is warming so it tells us that the Earth is out of energy balance so that means uh we receive energy from the Sun and normally uh this amount of energy after a certain time there a lot of interactions evaporation precipitation reflection absorption but then this heat is leaving the system and normally we come to a quas equilibrium of energy but because we have the greenhouse gases in the system there is less energy leaving the system and so we have an imbalance at the top of the atmosphere so most coming in and less is going out and this leads to an accumulation of heat in the climate system so this heat is taken up by the climate components and the ocean is a big part so it’s about 90% of this suus heat from Global emissions is stored in the ocean and that leads us to warming ocean but it tells us also that the Earth is out of energy balance
9 comentários
Eu queria ser portuguesa mais infelizmente sou brasileira tenho vergonha do meu país😢🤢🇧🇷🤮
Luís Dâmaso 😍👉👦🏻
Fabrício 🤢🤮👉👴🏿
🗣️📢Luis Dâmanso…. para de me perseguir… seu…. animal …🤬
boa tarde países irmãos do Brasil🇧🇷
Nós brasileiros amamos vocês…🤗
Eu estou peidando só arroz com feijão🤢😷
Brasil é um chiqueiro….
A minha família veio das florestas do Congo…Me lembro como se fosse hoje… Bons tempos
Eu tenho orgulho de ser um velho brasileiro preto🤛🏿👊🏿🤜🏿🇧🇷👴🏿
Meu país🇧🇷 é muito atrasado😩