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the most controversial topic that was on the table this Thursday between French president mael and UK prime minister Kier starmer was the issue of migrants crossing the channel from France to the UK using small boats and although it’s not the first time that both countries have cooperated to try to curb these illegal arrivals Kier starmer uh did say that it was one of the most pressing issues on the agenda ahead of the talks just as the UK is seeing a record number of Migrant arrivals in the first six months months of the year both leaders also agreed to deepen bilateral relations when it comes to the fields of economy energy and security but they didn’t provide us with any more details they also discussed uh geopolitical matters like Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine and the Israel Hamas War later in the evening macr is set to travel to Serbia for two days just as the French leader faces pressing domestic issues uh with talks still ongoing to form a new government
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Bossedit vc escolhe eu a mineira "semi analfabeta",ou a petrova a "eslava de São paulo"?
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