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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] imagine a place where history nature and sustainability meet here in the Turkish region of dalan you can visit a slow paced Town hike or cycle along e trails and observe sea creatures beginning their new lives let’s take a look K jit is a picturesque little Turkish Town rich in s gum trees which 5 years ago joined the Chow program a network of towns and Villages that suit the slow pace of life and prevent the impact of globalization on local costumes there are no traffic lights cold fires are bound and the nearby Village of chandir produces entirely organic fruit and vegetables but I’m not here to do s scene I want to immerse myself in nature the beautiful KJ Lake where the gray mlet of thean swims is the place to be you can sail kayak or choose to rent a bike and take a tour on two wheels blue and green dance together in this environmentally protected region where various Eco Trails have been created to promote ecotourism 470 km of hiking trails and 740 km of cycling routes allow you to completely enjoy the beauty of this unpo nature fore to raise awareness The Roots follow the water the main source of Life used in ancient tracks and Roads from a time when men lived more in harmony with nature another way to visit this area is by boat a natural channel the dalan river connects the lake to the Mediterranean and selling it gives you a totally New Perspective according to ancient beliefs the higher the tombs were placed the closer they were to the gods that’s why Kings and commanders burials were always placed on Mountain sides these unique Rock Cut tombs are part of the ancient city of Kos which dates back to the 9th century BC and was inhabited by Romans Persians and Rodan in this once very important Seaport there’s a lot more to see its Acropolis the GRE Roman Theater the aora and something that was essential for its construction speeech fore foreign fore foree these buildings have survived a tumultuous past attacks by Muslim Arabs Pirates and malaria epidemic that led to its abandonment since its rediscovery cus has become an essential stop for tourists from up here you can admire a stunning view of the river and issu Beach that’s where I’m headed to this 4 and A2 kilom Long Beach is one of the most famous on thean and it’s a place of ecological importance as it’s one of the well-known spots where loggerhead sea turtles or ketta caretta laid their eggs during the summer these Turtles listed as in danger they return to their birthplace breach to breed a journey of thousands of kilometers turkey is one of the last significant Nest inhabitants in the world it’s to protect them that a turtle Sanctuary has been founded speech foree foree fore foree during the breeding season students from the biology Department of P University and volunteers walk the beach to look for baby turtles that didn’t make it to the Sea and injured ones such as ladin who unfortunately ate a plastic bag she’s in the center to recover so how how old is ladin uh 35 40 years old and they can live 78 years wow like us yes Like Us ladina and other sea turtles like her can count on this Center and its people to heal and find their freedom again what an inspiring location to end my visit to dalan surrounded by nature and the fresh Seer Gus [Music]
5 comentários
Sucesso aos irmãos turcos!
Engraçado que fala que Rúbia q moeda turca não vale nada comparado com real isso não fala kkk.
O Putin é um agente da CIA, vai receber várias condecorações pelos EUA. Destrui-o o exército russo, enfraqueceu a economia da Rússia por décadas, a NATO que estava moribunda agora está a se reforçar, alargou em mais 2 países a NATO, eliminou a influência russa no Ocidente, desenvolveu em pouco tempo as capacidades do exército ucraniano ao nível da NATO.
Logo a Turquia vai entrar pra ue. Grande vitória do sultão erdogan
Joãozinho 💋 de veludo