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Margaret vestar um dos membros mais poderosos da comissão europeia criticou os estados membros europeus por não enviarem o número suficiente de candidatas para integrar a composição da próxima comissão apenas oito em 25 países o fizeram o que está a minar os esforços da presidente Úrsula vaner para nomear um executivo equilibrado em termos de género A I think completely legitimate thing Give Me two candidates a man and woman then I will compose my commission so gender balanced and so that people have the competen needed and I think really a p andan because we we Mak Progress M we were you know also visually showing that a commission that is gender balance is capable of doing you know unprecedented work as we did in this mandate under the leadership of V why is it important to have more Women inside the B why when you are such as We are we have multiple crises we have things to with the cost of Living Crisis you know the politics economic Security of course you should Tap into the Talent of both half of the population and not Focus on One Part of the population only the Male Part of the population and you need to show boys and girls that this is what leadership looks like Men and Women leading together Veja a entrevista completa com Margaret vest este fim de semana no programa de global conversation