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in the end of August Ukraine presented to the US a list of potential Targets in Russia that KV aims to hit the list included airfields used by Russia to launch attacks on Ukrainian cities which are within aam’s range according to the institute for the study of War there are 245 of military and paramilitary objects and this list does not include the various field camps and new installations that the Russian military has erected near Ukraine to support Russia’s War so it is rather conservative and only identifies a portion of all the military objects in range of atacam the regimental Brigade and division headquarters provided in the list are mainly relevant in how these objects facilitate training and service storage areas since the combat units that are normally permanently based here are forward deployed in Ukraine so even though Russia redeployed some of its combat aircrafts from the airfields within the atacam range and there are 16 of those in the area it does not reduce the importance of allowing Ukraine to use atoms against hundreds of other Russian military objects States The Institute for the study of war and it is unlikely that the Russian military has redeployed assets away from all the 245 objects to the same degree as it has done with aircrafts
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