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what’s the impact of digital technology on water digital Tech helps manage water systems but it also uses a lot of water it supports realtime monitoring of water use and quality quicker leak detection and smart irrigation plus AI can help forecast rainfall patterns 23% of water in EU networks is lost before it gets to Consumers digital Solutions can cut leaks by 30% and reduce overflows in the sewer system however digital Tech and green energy mean higher water consumption for example data centers use up to 1.7 million L of cooling water per day producing a car battery consumes around 26,000 L of water to offset this the EU batteries regulation mandates sustainable water use throughout the batteries life cycle digital Tech will help us use water better but it’s also a thirsty consumer of resources
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Hoje milhares de terroristas Hezbollah amigos do vampirao ficaram feridos, quando os seus tele móveis e rádios explodiram.
Quem terá sido?
Ou foi por ser dispositivos de má qualidade chineses?