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vason Lo dear president commissioner and colleagues social media can Liberate the voice of otherwise silenced individuals and spread old and new ideas it also enables threats to the life of and physical Integrity of individuals as well as deliberate attempts to undermine our Democratic systems child abuse encouraging violence on our streets fake political endorsements algorithms and Bots who are not people that deliberately promote agendas while suppressing contrasting views are a few examples that we cannot ignore the DSA took an important step in demanding transparency and accountability mechanisms of very large online platforms individuals must be empowered with tools of assessing credible information now fighting disinformation does not excuse restricting free speech in the way we just saw in Brazil a full ban on platform on a platform for refusing to take down a few accounts is a disproportionate illiberal measure only seen until now in autocracies democracies face threats by standing up for what sets them apart and not by imitating autocracies thank you