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V I think some of the limits imposed are probably just going to just going to stay and I think zki is probably well aware of what these limits are and how difficult and how slow it is to move Biden but from a negotiating standpoint maybe if you exert a lot of pressure you get not everything that you ask for but you get a bit I think we’re very very far from any kind of negotiations for the simple reason that Russia is as aggressive if not more now than it was at the beginning of the war so Russia is not moderating it’s pushing ahead in the donbas Putin announced you know increased levels of mobilization of Russian troops just a couple of days ago Russia is investing massively in its defense industrial capacity so Ukraine faces a highly aggressive Russia as president zelinski has said nobody wants peace more than the ukrainians given the current situation with an exhausted Army on the battlefield the constant plea for weapons and then restrictions on how to use them is unsustainable but he says his plan for victory is a way to resolve all that