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[Music] desalination is the process of removing salt from seawater it’s seen as a drad prooof alternative to Water Supplies threatened by climate change several Southern EU countries rely on it to provide fresh water for drinking and agriculture but desalination plants are expensive to build and run and use a lot of energy although new technologies are reducing costs and the environmental impact they can also have an adverse environmental impact on marine animals and plants desalination produces a byproduct called brine a concentrated salt solution with chemicals when discharged back into the sea it can harm fish coral and Plankton many consider desalination as a last resort only to be used once all other options such as reusing waste water and reducing leaks have been tried but while the technology has significant drawbacks without it some EU regions would not be able to meet their water demands
1 comentário
Ca na aldeia nós os portugueses estamos dessalinizando mijo pra beber 💩🇵🇹😆😂🤣 Kkkkkkkkkkkk