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it’s really rich for Democratic leaders to say that Donald Trump is a unique threat to democracy when he peacefully Gave Over power on January the 20th as we have done for 250 years in this country we are going to shake hands after this debate and after this election and of course I hope that we win and I think we’re going to win but if Tim wals is the next vice president he’ll have my prayers he’ll have my best wishes and he’ll have my help whenever he he he wants it I think there’s a lot of agreement but this is one that we are miles apart on this was a threat to our democracy in a way that we had not seen and it manifested itself because of Donald Trump’s inability to say he is still saying he didn’t lose the election I would just ask that did he lose the 2020 election Tim I’m focused on the future did kamla Harris censor Americans from speaking their mind in the wake of the 2020 covid situation that is a daming that is a damning non-answer Donald Trump had four years he had four years to do this and he promised you America how easy it would be I’ll build you a big beautiful wall and Mexico will pay for it less than 2% of that wall got built and Mexico didn’t pay a dime but here we are again nine years after he came down that escalator dehumanizing people you’ve got schools that are overwhelmed you’ve got hospitals that are overwhelmed you have got housing that is totally unaffordable because we brought in millions of illegal immigrants to compete with Americans for scarce homes the people that I’m most worried about in Springfield Ohio are the American citizens who have had their lives destroyed by comma Harris’s open border
1 comentário
Foi… sem atropelos e até moderado? Hum!? Nada mais? Não vi mas pelos vistos não deve ter corrido de feição para o candidato do Bem, governador do Estado falido, dos tampões para rapazes e do aborto até aos 9 meses.