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with her we’re actually setting up a a uh Insurance a life insurance for planet Earth right we are not only demonstrating we can deflect an asteroid but we also validating this technique so that we can use it for other asids it’s a first planetary fence Mission but it’s also so far the fastest planetary missions that has been done in Europe so it shows also that things can be done on a on a on a quick path which is especially necessary if we will have to deflect an asteroid one day we are tackling a problem um a natural Hazard that we can not only detect but we can also prevent and I think we’re sending a very strong signal to humanity dealing to a with with a with a hazard that could be extremely remote but if it happens the consequences are absolutely Global overcoming obstacles like the weather and the recent grounding of the space Falcon 9 rocket hero will now embark on its 195 million km Journey on a mission that could one day see Earth overcome the possibility of Extinction David Walsh your news in Cape canabal
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Salmos 122:6 Orai pela paz de Jerusalém: prosperarão aqueles que te amam. 7 Haja paz dentro de teus muros, e prosperidade dentro dos teus palácios.