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Unfortunately, we still do not have any confirmation about Gabriel Bortoleto’s future in Formula 1, as the Audi team, which is negotiating with the Brazilian, has not yet commented on who the chosen driver will be. However, we have good news about another Brazilian, Felipe Drugovich, as Aston Martin has just confirmed that he will drive this season’s car for the first time in an official Formula 1 session. The driver will be in the cockpit of Fernando Alonso’s AMR24 in the free practice 1 for the Mexican GP, this being a track he has never driven on, so in a statement, Drugovich said that he will spend a lot of time in the simulator before this free practice to gain more experience and understand this challenging circuit. In addition to Mexico, it is almost certain that he will be at the Abu Dhabi GP weekend also driving in free practice 1, with his future still undefined for 2025, as he is analyzing some options inside and outside Formula 1 to pursue his career. Well, tell me in the comments: Would you like to see Drugovich as a starter for a Formula 1 team? Or should he already think about other categories?
9 comentários
Já passou da hora da Aston Martin como marca mandar Lance pra outra categoria e colocar o Drugo na F1
Ele já devia estar na Indy, na Aston Martin ele não tem vez, o menino de papai não deixa.
Torcendo pra ele mostrar bastante desempenho…
Queria muito que o Drugo andasse na frente do Alonso e do lambedor de janela
É uma boa chance do nosso Drugo mostrar serviço. Já pensaram se ele faz um tempo melhor que o do Alonso? E se ele coloca esse carro meia-boca da Aston no top 10? Isso pode chamar a atenção de outras equipes para uma vaga de titular, quem sabe…
Ele tem q fazer igual o antonelli, tacar o f*****e e ir no limite.
Já estava na hora dele começar a pilotar esse carro da aston martin.
Provavelmente por conta de previsão contratual.
Puts, tá em inglês😅