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is irregular migration to the EU really On The Rise it’s a common Claim bandied about by farri right meeps and other European politicians and it seems to be growing ever more toxic however the figures appear to tell a different story irregular Crossings over the EU Southern borders which typically see the most migration of this kind were down by 35% from January to August according to the un’s international organization for migration some 115,000 unauthorized migrants representing less than 0.03% of the eu’s population have come to the EU this year via Mediterranean or Atlantic down from 176,50 to in the same period last year to put that in perspective more than 1 million entered the EU in 2015 at the height of the migrant crisis the eu’s own data shows a similar Trend frontex the blocks border agency said that unauthorized crossings from the South have fallen by 39% overall this year compared to 2023 migrants most commonly use the route from North Africa across the central Mediterranean to Italy yet about 64% fewer people use the route this year than in 2023 yet it has to be said that the figures for individual routes are not the same across the board the second most used route is the Eastern Mediterranean with migrants arriving in Greece numbers here Rose by 57% in the first 8 months of the year with smuggling networks using speedboats and other aggressive methods to counter the Coast Guard the Atlantic route from West Africa to Spain’s Canary Islands is the third most used route and its use has more than doubled this year according to the UN more than 25,000 migrants from the likes of Mali and Sagal landed there at the end of August for more details take a look at our website euronews.com
4 comentários
A OTAN é um organização militar bárbara, destruiu o Iraque, Líbia e Síria, provocando essas ondas migratórias.
Para quando o caminho de volta para a maioria dos migrantes?
Será preciso uma guerra para sacudir estas massas de gente a fugir da Europa?
Parece que no mínimo terá de haver um grande tumulto. Muitos rostos serão apontados e culpabilizados pela situação a que a Europa chegou.
Venha pra Portugal todos vós Árabes e Africanos 🇵🇹🤣😂😆 kkkkk
Lógico que está. So aqui em Angola toda classe que eu conheço foram para Europa. E muitos pobres também, que conseguiram juntar no mínimo 4 mil euros.