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would he didn’t give any reply to the questions concerning the healthcare the collapsed healthare system the collapsed education system the public transport the collapsed Hungarian economy the budget situation he didn’t reply anything he just said some personal critics and spoke about the Brussels bureaucracy and the fight between Hungary and the European Union it’s a lost presidency we will see pretty much zero progress on any of the legislative negotiations but then comes the additional risk where Orban misuses uh this his presidency and and we have already seen that when he went to see Putin and she uh and Donald Trump and I fear that we haven’t seen all of that yet uh we’re facing an extremely tight us election on the 5th of November um so what happens if Orban on behalf of the European Union supposedly tries to to inter intervene into the US election spee we will proceed to the vote
4 comentários
Que susto….. 😱….2:00….😅….do nada fala gritando….italianos….kk.
UCRÂNIA deveria expulsa a Hungria e por a Ucrânia Hungria é fantoche do chiqueiro fracassadoo russo
É inimigo no ninho
A Ursula von der Leyen segue as agendas dos anglo-ianques e da OTAN, está destruindo a UE.