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Ukrainian President Vladimir selinski traveled to Berlin on Friday to meet with German Chancellor Olaf Schultz he was originally scheduled to meet with us President Biden along with other key EU leaders at a Ramstein Airbase meeting on Saturday however the meeting was cancelled after President Biden stayed behind in the US after parts of the coast were battered by a hurricane zilinsky is hoping that this tour will encourage more military aid packages from his allies especially with the US election less than a month the way the polls are currently on knife edge between Trump and Harris and if Trump manages to win experts are predicting that support for Ukraine will dry up from the US side zilinski also presented his peace plan and said that he hopes the war will end in 2025 although Schultz has been very firm in refusing to deliver longrange tourist weapons for use in Russia he has promised to continue support ahead of the winter the question remains how quickly Ukraine could become a NATO member and if it would be the whole of Ukraine or just the territories that are not currently occupied by Russian forces it seems like a lot is depending on the outcome of the US election next month Liv stoud in Berlin foro News
3 comentários
Como é a situação de um dos países que Portugal colonizou😅👉🇵🇹🇲🇿https://youtu.be/hmsPKdC3Ok4?si=BPdDtPAHfBo2pJKR
E um p******o mesmo