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is Hungary the most corrupt EU [Music] country MEPS blasted prime minister vikor Orban for turning Hungary into the most corrupt country in the EU as he presented his priorities for the Hungarian presidency of the EU to the European Parliament let’s see what the figures say in short Hungary does consistently rank among the most corrupt European countries according to various SCH scoreboards but whether it’s the worst country for financial crime depends on the metric being used transparency International’s most recent corruption perception index puts Hungary squarely at the bottom of all EU countries on a scale of 0 to 100 with zero being highly corrupt and 100 being clean Hungary scored 42 followed by Bulgaria with 45 and Romania with 46 this metric puts Hungary at 76th Place out of 180 countries worldwide transparency intern slammed Hungary for over a decade of systemic breach of the rule of law which allows corruption to thrive unsanctioned when you look at Europe as a whole Russia is the country with the most Financial crime according to Transparency International scoring 26 out of 100 and placing 141st out of 180 but if we change the ranking system the results change too Euro barometer’s 224 survey on EU citizens attitudes towards corruption found that 68% of Europeans consider corruption widespread in their country among those Greece was perceived to have the worst Dirty Money problem with 98% of citizens saying corruption was widespread there next came Portugal and Malta with 96 and 95% respectively Hungary actually came in eighth place but a clear majority of people still consider the country corrupt 88% stay tuned on eurs and euronews.com for the latest updates
6 comentários
Ora poise,e não é Portugal?!
Sou brasileira descendente de russos e búlgaros. Estou fazendo uma doação de óvulos para as mulheres portuguesas que queiram ter filhos saudáveis, bonitos, fortes e inteligentes.
Oh, pá!
Cometeste o pecado capital de afrontar as damas ofendidas, agora, és corrupto.
Bom, ainda estão na fase da percepção, deixa chegar à fase seguinte e vais passar a ladrão.
Nao. Todos os países da Europa sao corruptos de forma igualmente gigantesca
É sempre o mesmo processo de demonização e difamação do vergonhoso otanistão.