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this Wednesday marked the third and last day that Marine Leen the figurehead of France’s farri national rally party took the stand in a long awaited trial on charges of embezzling EU funds Leen and more than 20 uh other senior party officials are currently standing trial at the Paris Criminal Court uh right behind me for allegedly misappropriating millions of Euros uh intended to pay EU parliamentary assistance instead Leen and her codefendants are are accused of paying staff who worked directly uh for her party in France and who rarely even set foot in Brussels or had any sort of rule between 2004 and 2016 therefore violating EU regulation during these three days a marine Leen took the stand and she was quite combative even uh accusing the judge of being biased towards her Leen who was an me for more than 12 years maintained her innocence and said that it’s not up to the EU Parliament uh to decide how these assistants should be employed and the farri leader is taking quite a big uh risk with these sort of argument because if found guilty Leen and her codefendants face up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to 1 million EUR each and most importantly it could lead to her ineligibility to even run for office a scenario that could be a disastrous for leen’s uh plans for the 2027 presidential election her fourth and arguably uh most promising attempt and this trial uh is scheduled to last until the end of November Sophia katson cover reporting from Paris for EUR news
4 comentários
A União Soviética tinha o exército vermelho 🚩
Portugal tem o exército colorido 🏳️🌈 😂
João Freitas 🔥🥯🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌
Essa direita corrupta está no mundo todo
Os conservadores são gente de Deus, pátria, família e liberdade para cometer crimes.