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is Russia hijacking moldova’s EU referendum on the 20th of October movans will vote in a presidential election and a referendum on EU membership a yes for accession to the European Union would affirm the country’s pro-european path but movan authorities are warning that kremlin-backed actors are using hybrid Warfare to subvert the ballot in including by depositing money directly into moldova’s bank accounts to buy their antiu vote checkpoint research has uncovered how malicious actors are using email campaigns to try to sway maldovan vote and prepare the ground for malware attacks this counterfeit document claiming to come from the European commission was circulated to movan civil servants in August it alleged is that joining the European Union would oblige them to take a mandatory English proficiency exam to keep their jobs and that an lgbtq plus flag would be raced at Ministry buildings 12 days per year another document purporting to come from the European prosecutor asks movan officials to share their personal data on a form hosted on an attacker controlled domain purporting to be an official EU site the linguistic errors made in the communications and the metadata of the PDF documents strongly suggests Russian authorship but despite these hybrid attacks the chair of the European parliament’s movan delegation says that the Kremlin will not derail the Eastern European country’s democracy it is clear that Russia cannot interfere more than we can support the Republic of mova
8 comentários
Mas é o procedimento à anos da Russia e quando não consegue pela mentira manipular as eleições, invade os países.
Georgia, Moldova, Ucrânia.
Assim como se pode concordar ou não com as directrizes europeias, também não se pode aceitar que corram mentiras contra ela.
Uma coisa é ter-se uma opinião divergente, outra é inventar um ardil com o intuito de a prejudicar.
A mentira é ruim em qualquer caso, mas desfeita a mentira, diz muito sobre o carácter do( dos) mentirosos que uma vez perdida a credibilidade…
⚡🚀💥URGENTE: Poderosas explosiónes en Kiev en éstos momentos. Se está especificando la información.
Moldávia 😂😂😂 país totalmente falido a pala das promesas ocas dos servos d yankee decadentes..
A OTAN quer transformar a Moldávia numa Ucrânia.
Rússia é uma grande mentira estão usando coreano como russo nativos da parte asiaca 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👉🤡🇷🇺🤡🇷🇺🤡🇷🇺🤡🇷🇺👌
É sério q a euronews vai reclamar de mentiras? 😂😂😂😂😂