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what they are trying as well to do split us split us as Society split Us in between politicians so this I do think is the biggest danger for all of us I I believe Russia at the moment is extremely weak uh situation so for us if we would understand how big and strong we are they have zero chances so it is a great part of integrating uh naturally security related questions within society and there that there is no dividing line between society and Military we are the same family here in the capital of Ria you can feel just how despised the Russian president is this vile picture of Vladimir Putin is hanging on a popular Museum and it’s just a stone throw from the Russian Embassy
5 comentários
A Russia não quer invadir essa b***a.
kkkkk Letonia Massa de Manobra dos Interesses dos EUA e Bucha de Canhão da OTAN .,kk
Kkkk nova bucha de canhão do G7
Muita histeria, Russia não tem intenção nenhuma de invador outros paises ainda mais membro da Otan, após guerra da Ucrania o exercito russo vai passar novamente por anos de recomposição de mão de obra e material.