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- Preparativos Iniciam-se para as Eleições Legislativas de 2025 em Portugal
- Ascensão da Direita Radical em Portugal: Desafios e Reflexões Sociais
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- Reformas Necessárias no Sistema Eleitoral Português: Desafios e Perspectivas para o Futuro
- Portugal Avança na Transição Energética: Iniciativas Sustentáveis e o Futuro do Ambiente
- Certamente! Aqui está uma sugestão de título para um artigo ou notícia sobre a União Europeia e Portugal: “Portugal e a União Europeia: Desafios e Oportunidades na Era da Mudança” Se precisar de mais informações ou de um desenvolvimento específico sobre o tema, estou à disposição!
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- Desafios do Populismo na Europa: A Ascensão e as Consequências para a Democracia
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45 comentários
Johnny 5 would be proud.
people cry about these robots, but dont see machines replacing humans like 10years ago 😀 delulu
Amazing, the terminator is getting closer and the military probably already has plans for this product.
It walks a bit like it’s searching for the restrooms
Can he be dressed in clothes? I want to see him in a Darth Vader costume.
Still quite basic and as I have figured, he often needs VR assistance to learn to perform new tasks, but you're getting there! Good luck on your incredibly ambitious project, and I absolutely cannot wait to see how the advancements in Optimus will also level up your Tesla cars' autonomous driving system! – signing off, your friendly neighbourhood android gal 🤍✨
What if they get out of control and start attacking humans
Adakah robot ini mempunyai sistem penglihatan seperti teori sensor warna penglihatan mata?
Doge channel is hacker.he stole my friend channel
I wonder how much one of these will cost.
Detroit: Become Human is becoming true
What about poor people who live as simple workers?
Hey other than to satisfy some weird god complex why would you build robots in the form of something as limited as a bipedal 2 armed humanoid? Should build robots after the most superior physical form: octopus
These nerds should help rockstar games speed up their development for GTA VI instead.
Human inside suit
Клёво, надеюсь, их сделают ещё в следующем, тела более быстро, может.
Everything is amazing, now tesla bot and new hands are here, where is Boston Dynamic? Please tell me!! My channel have new update Optimus ! Welcome !!!❤❤❤❤
This page is a scam. Send me back my fucking crypto 😂😂😂 you FUCKS!!
1:10 The robot never said goodbye to anyone, but waved back at this man because he waved back at him.
Why isn’t anyone talking about how Boston dynamics have been doing more impressive things for the last 13 years
We cannot compete with a robot who dont m*st*rb**e in his working time
Sooo, they are connected with each other and learn from each other. Kind of like the Borg… while looking like the robots from 'I, Robot'. Oh no….
The hands are a gift—will Optimus use them with the same care we use our hands to craft a tool?
They still don't trust it to not fall over when standing still by a desk.
Elon has a quirky sense of humor, why didn't he put the charging port in the front and a bit lower?
So the tesla bot will now replace factory workers and stuff? I guess its time to save to money 😂
I’ve seen a Tesla bot 2023 looks very similar idk if this is it
We really gonna get a gluck gluck 3000 before Gta VI
Live action murder drones looking good so far
What is this song called
I don't know.
على هاد لقلاوي هذا غادي يبقى يتقحبن بالمشية بحالاكا
Video released by Tesla? You know it's edited like a mf. The robot probably fell down every other step. Choke on a cheeto dick elon.
Skynet next…
More love for you❤😂🎉😢😮
Maybe in the future I will buy one Optimus
….. and after job Robot and me go for beer … Robot pay 😊👍
Amazing 😎
Every technology that is created today, every movie that is popular today, behind the scenes, thousands of lives are taken. Stop it. How much harm can we humans do to ourselves? Enough is enough. We have dug ourselves into holes in laboratories under microscopes to make a discovery and invention. That missing one is God. Each of us has done harm to ourselves. Our subconscious is the same human being inside us who has lived billions of times. We must accept everything. There is no lie, and there is no truth. There is only one thing: the present and God. And we can turn the earth into heaven.
The President of Space, Elon Musk, and his work teams are incredible. The greatest desire of my life is to be with Mr. Space President Elon Musk, the best opportunity "him".🇺🇸❤️🔥👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
Amazing 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
The beginning of the end