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for for fore the call to address the crisis is global affecting the whole European automotive industry competitiveness and the green transition have taken a strain on the whole sector that’s why Union representatives from several EU countries and Beyond have gathered here to take to the streets and join the protest on Italy on France on belg it would be a shame on Europe if we lost that industrial expertise the skill jobs all of the Innovation which comes from the Italian automotive industry so the fight in Italy is our fight and that’s why we are demanding very strongly for a European plan industrial plan investment plan uh to deal with the crisis in the industry for tax is a kind of economic War Financial war and this is for sure no a solution US President Joe Biden’s flying visit to Berlin has already come to an end the president spent less than 24 hours in the German Capital after his original visit scheduled for last week was postponed due to Hurricane Milton during his trip he met with German Chancellor Olaf Schultz and the French President and ukra prime minister where it is expected that the four discussed further support for Ukraine as Biden’s time in office draws to an end with this morning’s news that the hamus leader responsible for orchestrating last year’s 7th of October Massacre has been killed it’s highly likely that Israel and Gaza was a key topic on the agenda for the meeting this is Biden first and only official visit to Berlin during his time in office and the first bilateral visit by US president since Barack Obama visited marle over eight years ago although experts say it’s very unlikely that key decisions about Ukraine’s future will come out of this visit it does underline the importance of the German us friendship a friendship that may become less of a priority depending on the results of the election next month Liv stoud in Berlin fear bra foreign foreign foreign for so you would say um the ban opposition is United you work so you don’t have any obstacles within your organization so to say uh Belarusian Democratic forces and people are united as never before because we have our common aim is release of our beloved our friends from prisons release of our political prisoners but also uh having free and fair elections political prisoner exchange with Russia not one belan prisoner political prisoner came out since then have there been any progress in your negotiations with uh politicians from the European Union we all want them to to uh be released but we don’t want our political prisoners Our Heroes to be bargaining Chiefs you know in this lukashenka’s game they are taking more and more and more hostages you know to sell them more expensive but we are asking our Democratic partners that uh don’t uh uh no trades don’t make any deals with lukashenka don’t trade because he okay he can like sell one two 300 people and He will detain twice more as it was recently lukashenka released 115 people for the same period of time he uh detained 140 can I ask you a personal question what is it um that you miss the most about B look I miss everything I uh miss my apartment that had been confiscated but I this was our Nest nest of our family I uh miss my husband of course but you know I I want to see free belus news we have seen unfortunately a fullscale operation uh using the classical toolbox of Kremlin but at the same time applied it an unprecedented scale we see Dirty Money flowing into our politics the use of local proxy parties to destabilize the situation to bribe uh potential uh candidates but also voters in the elections and of course we see a very very strong disinformation campaign propaganda targeting primarily the EU there were many concerns about the transnistrian region to be uh destabilized in the last couple of years particularly since Russia’s uh invasion of Ukraine we’ve managed to keep the situation calm and stable for the country and we hope to continue doing the same for