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yes one only thanks to the overseas vote and the outcome of the referendum shocked the campaigners for the accession to the EU who were expecting a large Victory on the eve of the vote and are now blaming Russian propaganda and disinformation after launching strong accusations of foreign interference movan president Maya Sandu has now to think about the next steps she received more votes than four years ago in the presidential election and she will probably win the runoff on the 3rd of November but that’s the only reason for her to celebrate as one thing is clear this referendum marks a setback in moldova’s path towards EU membership V EUR news k [Music]
4 comentários
O Janjo desistiu de ir pra lá 😂
Como q é maya.. ?quem não Soros não mamã 😂😂😂😂
😅 Olha o que os países colonizados por Portugal comem……https://youtu.be/rMd0lE4gnII?si=bCvagzHEW96ChkQo
Fracasso total com apoio de serviços SBU..hoje? chorar por todo lado é tipico dos q tirou cursos a la Soros.. 😂😂. Como q é..?quem não Soros.. não a 🇪🇺 😂😂😂..